
Weidig NC, Miller AL, Parker AT (2022) The Goldilocks principle: Finding the balance between water volume and nutrients for ovipositing Culex mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277237.


Weidig, N., Niang, D., Williams, M., Porema, K., Palumbo, J., Weyrich, A., Smyth, S., & Lynch, D.R. Inflammation mediated reprogramming of platelets following transcatheter aortic valve replacement. ISACB Biennial Meeting. Memphis, TN. 10/2022.

Weidig, N., Riley, B., Utz, R., & Parker, A. Effect of nutrient concentration and water volume on oviposition choice by Culexfemale mosquitoes. Entomology 2021. Denver, CO. 11/2021. 

Weidig, N., Miller, A., Bischoff, Z., Nguyen, P., & Parker, A. Effect of nutrient concentration and water volume on oviposition choice by Culex female mosquitoes. NKU 2021 Heather Bullen Research Celebration. Highland Heights, KY. 09/2021.